Christmas Gathering and talk December 17th 2022 with The Bases Project in Pewsey, Wiltshire


BASES2022 Christmas SeminarsExtraterrestrials are here, right now.

Raising Consciousness, Preparing for Change.

Positive information and guidance concerning the way forward for all of humanity right now – given from Extraterrestrial Beings from within our Galaxy and beyond from the Andromedan Galaxy.


Elaine J Thompson was born with a gift and a mission. As an author and intuitive telepath she talks about how her lifetime of contact came about and answers these important questions:

Who were the Extraterrestrials she met? What were those messages? And in a world where common sense has flown out the window, and seems to be more insane as every day passes, what is the way forward for Humanity?  What are the physical signs and symptoms we all could be experiencing now? What does this mean for each of us individually and – personal reality check – how are You feeling right now?

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