
Elaine Thompson is an amazing force in the world!

I’ve been lucky enough to know Elaine as a friend for the last 20 years.

I am forever in her debt for inviting me to the free informal talks she hosted every Sunday evening for Eckhart Tolle at her renowned  Glastonbury new age B & B in the early 90’s…… and this was 5 years before Eckhart moved to North America and the release of “The Power of Now….. Quite amazing really!……

Sometimes on a wet winter’s evening there were only 6 of us there!

The 2nd gift was professional:  She connected me with my spirit guides…something that has changed my life forever.

Over the years she has been of service to many thousands of people throughout the world for her:

Clairvoyance/Mediumship/Telepathic communications

Vibrational Retraining Sound Therapy at Sound Therapy UK 

And  on www.facebook.com/soundtherapyuk


Talks and workshops [in England,Belgium,Hawaii, mainland USA, Germany, et al] She has also written books based on her conversations with the Andromedan E.T.’s (who love us and look after us!)

She is also a gifted painter -a true Renaissance Woman!

Steve Coe,

Songwriter, producer, label boss [perhaps best known for his work with Sheila Chandra’s albums on Peter Gabriel’s label….and his ‘world music ‘hits with Monsoon in the early 80’s.




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