Who am I

I was born in a sunny corner of England, in a place steeped in rich history.

Throughout my life things have always been a bit different.

HI from Elaine

At fifteen,  my destiny was changed forever when I began to recognize my unusual abilities after an astounding experience with a spirit who appeared to me in the physical realm and changed my life.

Nowadays, when I use my clairvoyant abilities, I am in touch with  my Spirit Guides, Loved ones, and sometimes your Guardian Angel will step forward.

In my private work and book writing, I receive  important information intended to help people all around the world.

I just love art, especially watercolour and pastels, and so fortunately I can paint the Spirit Guides and Angels that I see.

Throughout my life I have had many amazing experiences……some so strange that even I did not believe them until I had proof positive that they were real. I have been shown a higher wisdom relevant to our existence here on Earth – how we can deal with our present day difficulties to create a better way of living now.

4 comments on “Who am I

  1. Gayle Schnitzer on said:

    Are the Pleiadians part of the Andromedan galaxy? I have been experiencing a green mist in my bedroom and it follows me from time to time. I have been told I am an ET
    taken aboard light ships to other planets and require regression therapy to help overcome the trauma even tho the experiences were of a positive nature.

    • Hello Gayle,
      As far as I know, the Pleidians are not part of the Andromedan Galaxy. Their star system is the Pleiades. I am sure that the Andromedans are aware of them though!

  2. Janiece Boardway on said:

    Dear Elaine:

    Our friend, Saleena who is the creator of VibraKeys referred us to your website this afternoon. Very happy to see that you are sharing your information with the world. So important.

    I really enjoyed reading your story about your experience with Jesus when you were 15. Interestingly enough, I had an experience with Jesus when I was about 6 years old.

    I wanted to share with you an article I wrote about my son’s, Tristan’s, visit with an Andromedian girl a few years ago. He still has contact with her (my husband and I as well-which is great fun) and many other beings from just about everwhere. If you are interested in reading this article, you will find it at http://saturn3lightflyers.com/articles.html It is the second article on that page entitled “Creating a New Earth.”

    Again, thank you for sharing such important information with the world.

    Many Blessings,

    Janiece Boardway

  3. jim mills on said:

    Dear Elaine
    Its good to see you are shining your light and developing your natural gifts, I salute your spirit, I am sure you will guide many souls through this time of great change and accelerated learning.
    May you steer a course bright and clear and may the wind be always on your back 🙂
    with love

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